Does Lemon Makes Water Alkaline?

Most people start their day with a glass of lemon water. They know lemon makes the water alkaline.

Because they advised us to get good results, and many of us started using lemon water without knowing the pros and cons of this ritual.

I have also received advice from my well-wisher to reduce my overweight with it.

So, I did a lot of searching on Google and finally know that lemon alkaline water has good and bad effects on our bodies.

But we have lots of good reasons to use lemon water despite its side effects.

For Example-

  • It improves your immune system
  • Balance pH level
  • Improves digestion
  • Good for your skin
  • Increases energy
  • Reduces inflammation

And many more, as I have described in further detail.

So, let’s go and find the cause of why you need lemon water.

Lemon makes your day great with alkaline water.

How you start your day is important; the first thing you do sets the tone for your whole day.

As per the Ayurvedic theory, your daily routine can build or weaken immunity to disease.

Ayurveda inspires us to start the day by focusing on morning routines that align our bodies with nature’s rhythms.

Your mind may say you must take the dog out, check emails, and want to arrive on time for the office.

These things can reduce your time to cultivate your morning rituals.

To improve your health, you must manage little time for a mug of warm water mixed with half lemon juice, making it easy to get a great start.

It takes little time and is so easy to make. You will be surprised to find how effective is alkaline lemon water for our bodies.

How does lemon make water alkaline?

does lemon make water alkaline

Natural water has a pH level of around 7.0 which means the water is neither alkaline nor acidic.

If the pH above 7.0 is considered alkaline. The alkalinity shows the strength to neutralize the acid effect.

Mostly believes that alkaline water make a good effect on our body.

Now the question is, how do you try to stay fresh and restore? Moyo recommends you drink toxin-free water lemons to alkalize and maintain your body healthy.

STEP 1: Purify your water

If you are searching for an effective way to eliminate the toxins from your tap water, a distiller is one of them.

The distillation removes each bacteria, virus, and contaminant from the water.

It starts by boiling the water, then collecting the steam through droplets in the storage container.

These droplets are free from heavy contaminants and various bacteria and viruses.

The distiller can easily hook with the refrigerator’s water and ice unit.

STEP 2: Check your water pH

After purified water, you need to test the pH level with pH test strips which you get easily from a health food store or online.

This pH result will give you a better idea to improve and adjust your purifier to reach your desired pH level.

STEP 3: It could be one method from them to increase the alkalinity of your water.

Fresh Lemon

Unlike baking soda, lemon is a favorite, making drinking water more alkaline.

It seems like an exception that adds an acidic lemon to your drinking water to make it alkaline.

Remember that fresh lemon is also anionic; now, you will ask how adding lemon to water makes it alkaline.

So my friend, when you drink lemon water, this anionic reacts with the body. At the same time, the digestive process becomes alkaline.

Always use a fresh lemon cut up for less than 30 minutes, and avoid lemon syrup or lemons cut up and kept open all day.

Baking Soda

The researcher has stressed the value of pH balance to improve the alkaline levels in our body by adding an alkaline component in purified water. 

Take a gallon of purified water and add ½ teaspoon of baking soda and stir till it dissolved completely.

Baking soda has high alkaline properties. You can get a gallon of the best alkaline water with only a short amount of baking soda.

Water Pitcher Filter

Fill your pitcher with tap water and keep it aside.

A pitcher filter passes tap water through some layers and produces good alkaline water.

It all depends on your pitcher and the type you used. Brita filters are usually the most effective.

All these filters available in the market cannot produce high-pH water.

Maximum can improve the smell and taste of alkaline water at an affordable price.

And others can filter the most contaminants from your tap water.

Ehm Ultra Premium Alkaline water Filter Pitcher


Another convenient option is to drop to increase water alkalinity by adding some drops to a glass.

This drop is created especially for that purpose. You can get it from health food stores or online markets. 

All instructions are available on the bottle to get your perfect pH level for alkaline water.

Alkaline water helps to neutralize the acid effect in your body and improve overall health and energy level.

Alkazone Make Your Own Alkaline Water,

STEP 4: Test your water pH again

Finally, check your water pH again after adding baking soda or drops with a test strip and make sure about your pH level.

Don’t check lemon water’s pH level because it is acidic before you drink it. Still, it will become alkaline when the digestion process.

Benefits of alkaline water with lemon

We are explaining some benefits or disadvantages of lemon water.

1. Lemons can alkalize effect on the body

The nature of lemon juice is acidic, but it affects our body’s alkalinity while processing.

It is commonly known that lemon makes water alkaline and can increase pH.

As per the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Vitamin C helps to absorb iron from the diet.

2. Lemon Skin isn’t sour. It is Sweet!

Lemon is a sour, acidic fruit, but that is only the juice. The outer skin is quite sweet than the inner side.

Pastry chefs usually use lemon zest in dessert recipes to enhance the taste.

The essential oils from lemon skin can increase the sweetness and boost the aroma of drinks and cakes.

3. Age- and Cancer-Fighting Properties

Lemons are citrus fruit with a high consistency of natural chemicals known as limonoids.

Researchers are looking for possibilities to cure cancer and lower cholesterol with the antioxidant Limonoid.

You know we widely use citrusy fruits in skin care treatment and cosmetics.

It prevents skin from oxidizing and premature aging.

4. It improves your immune system.

Lemon is full of vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is good for fighting colds and viruses.

It has 18 mg of vitamin C in the juice and an adult requirement of 75 to 130 mg of vitamin C. It depends on gender and age.

Lemon juice makes the water more alkaline and boosts your body’s energy with vitamin C.

It supports your immune system by working as an antioxidant and fends off free radical damage in the body.

Potassium helps to stimulate the brain and control blood pressure.

We do not say those lemons with alkaline water have 100% of your daily needs. But it is about starting your day with one nutrient.

5. Balance pH level

It sounds strange that lemon is an incredibly alkaline food.

Despite its acidic taste, lemon water does work an alkaline effect in our bodies and helps to balance our pH.

That is because citric acid does not make acidity after metabolizing.

6. Improves digestion.

Hot water assists in exciting the gastrointestinal tract and the waves of muscle constrictions within the intestinal walls, which keep things moving.

Ayurveda says lemons have minerals and vitamins that help lose ama and digestive toxins.

7. Good for your skin.

Start your day with warm alkaline water with lemon that makes your skin cute and hydrated.

Vitamin C fights free radicals and protects your skin from much damage.

Secondly, it provides the structural blocks for collagen production, which makes your skin smooth.

8. Can reduce the risk of kidney stones

Citrate salt reacts and binds the calcium and works to prevent kidney stone formation.

All citrus fruits, including lemons, are the best source of citrate.

It has been found that lemon juice appears to have the highest density of stone-block

Data advises that those who have a chance of forming kidney stones and they regularly consume lemon juice.

They have a lower rate of kidney stones than those who do not drink.

Remember that this data is from those who drank lemon water, not pure lemon juice.

9. Can keep you hydrated

Maximum Americans are dehydrated, which means they are not taking enough fluids.

During dehydration, you feel constipation and dizziness with different signs of weakness.

Lemon with alkaline water is one of the best ways to fight dehydration, which makes you feel energetic.

Increase your alkaline water taste with lemon juice, which makes your drink more healthy and more fluid.

10. May result in improved cardiovascular status

Using some garlic with lemon water mixture can get some improvement in blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels.

A study published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine for people with hyperlipidemic (blood too fat).

If you drink water with half lemon juice, including 20 grams of garlic, every day for 8 weeks.

You get improved cardiovascular outcomes compared to those who did not take it.

There are also improved blood pressure and enhanced lipid levels in the result.

Some more benefits of lemon alkaline water which makes a place in our list

  1. Detoxifies body
  2. Heals the body
  3. Causes weight loss
  4. Improves mood
  5. Increases energy
  6. Reduces inflammation
  7. Prevents bacterial growth
  8. Improves colon health
  9. Fights viruses
  10. Prevents pain in joints

Can lemon water help with acid reflux?

Lemon has an acidic property. Many believe it makes a great mixture of lemon water for reducing acid reflux.

Does it work, and is it safe? Let’s try to find out.

We feel acid reflux while stomach acid moves up in our food pipe.

It affects more than 60 million Americans monthly and approximately 20 to 30 percent worldwide.

Many of them use home remedies to get relief from acid reflux.

We will find the possibilities of lemon water related to this topic. It can cure someone and can even bother others.

Acid reflux creates swelling and sensitivity in the esophageal wall. As a result, you feel heartburn, belching, discomfort, and nausea.

A review in 2012 shows the history of lemon juice used in Eastern and Western practices for digestion and acid reflux.

However, we do not have any scientific proof to advise that it works. Many people think that lemon is acidic; it may increase acid reflux.

But some sources believe that lemon water makes an alkaline effect on their body. That means it can neutralize stomach acid and reduce acid reflux.

The pH level of lemon juice is between 2 to 3, and alkaline water has around 7, which means it is neither acidic nor alkaline.

How do you use lemon water for acid reflux, and does it increase stomach acid?

Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to 8 ounces of alkaline water and mix it well.

It is ready to drink; someone drinks it 20–30 minutes before every meal to reduce the risk of acid reflux from occurring.

Take a small amount of lemon water and observe how the body responds, then drink a full glass if suitable.

We advised you to use a straw because lemon acid can harm your teeth and enamel.

Lemon Juice in hot water is Acidic or Alkaline.

Before dividing lemon juice between alkaline and acidic, we need to know the concept of pH.

The pH value divides solutions on the scale, giving a 0–14. For Example, A has a pH of 7, considered a natural value.

Below 7 pH is considered acidic, and above 7 pH is alkaline.

The variation among adjacent numbers on the pH scale represents a tenfold difference in acidity.

For Example, the 5 pH is 10 times more acidic than 6 and 100 times more acidic than 7.

Lemon juice has a pH between 2 to 3, which means it is 10,000 to 100,000 times more acidic than normal alkaline water.

But, If we take lemon juice, it produces alkaline byproducts during metabolize process.

So, lemon juice has a negative PRAL score. That is why many people think lemon water creates an alkaline effect, further explained in this video:


Water lemon juice has acidic properties, but after the metabolizing process in our body, it makes alkaline byproducts.

As a result, these alkaline byproducts can make your urine more alkaline, but they have very little effect on your blood pH.

So, you advise lemon water to reduce acid reflux, improve your immune system and digestion, and balance your pH and skin.

I hope you get some good information to improve your knowledge about lemon water and its effects.

If you want to improve something so, please let me know.

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